发表于 2016-04-01 10:13
阅读数: 94238

Mei.com TMALL Luxury Flash-Sale Channel Launch Fashion Show
由魅力惠与天猫携手举办的“天猫奢品闪购频道魅力惠”时尚科技大秀于2016年3月30日在沪盛大举行。这是奢侈品界将线下时装秀场同步到线上,实现边看边买的创新消费模式。盛一伦身着Paul Smith衬衫、Carven西服套装及鞋履奉献其T台首秀,来自纽约上东区的时尚达人Olivia Palermo则亲自为时装秀搭配造型,展现混搭时尚功力。
Mei.com CEO Thibault Villet with Olivia Palermo and Mei.com President Seamon Shi
时装秀特邀到国际重量级明星嘉宾出席。当红巨星李宇春将亲临现场观秀,纽约上东区时尚达人Olivia Palermo亲自参与T台特色搭配,主演古装穿越网络剧《太子妃升职记》的盛一伦惊艳奉献T台首秀,流行实力唱将袁娅维倾情演唱助阵。
来自全球五大时尚之都的奢侈品牌与明星时尚潮流齐聚一堂,通过天猫魅力惠奢品闪购频道为消费者提供全新的购物体验。消费者只需轻松点击手机天猫现场直播的“边看边买”时装秀,即可同步浏览环球奢侈名品,参考明星示范穿搭,从琳琅满目的选择中轻松挑选自己中意的奢品,尽享混搭乐趣,以高效便捷的方式进行一站式购买。其中,时装秀品牌包括Sergio Rossi, Proenza Schouler, Stuart Weitzman,Carven, Zegna Sport, Galeries Lafayette等。在和魅力惠官方合作的3000多个国际品牌中,有近300个奢侈品大牌授权魅力惠为其国内电商的独家合作伙伴,(包括Armani,Zegna,Roger Vivier, Michael Kors,Trussardi,Longchamps等)。
On March 30th, Mei.com and Alibaba launched the TMALL Luxury Flash-Sale Channel with a live-streamed fashion show event featuring 42 looks, all immediately shoppable through the new channel.
Millions of consumers watched the live-streamed fashion show and shopped in a revolutionary way with immediate 'scan and buy' shopping access to the runway looks through the TMALL Mobile Phone APP. Actor Peter Sheng, famous for the China Hit web series "Go Princess Go" made his runway debut walking in the show in a stylish Carven suit. Olivia Palermo took part in the show by styling one of the runway looks and was featured as a front-row attendee the show wearing the look herself.
The fashion show event was live-streamed on the TMALL APP, showcasing 42 runway looks of clothing and accessories, including 30 womenswear looks, 10 menswear looks, and a finale including 2 children's looks. Consumers and TMALL users had the opportunity to experience the celebrity glamour and excitement of the event while watching from home and enjoying a revolutionary shopping experience made possible through the ecommerce technology implemented by the new TMALL Luxury Flash-Sale Channel.
Trendsetters and tastemakers in attendance of the fashion event included singer Chris Lee, Olivia Palermo as a stylist for the show, Peter Sheng, actor from the internet hit TV series "GO Princess GO", as a runway model and popstar Tia Ray, who gave a passionate performance for the show finale.
The fashion show brought together luxury brands from 5 of the world's fashion capitals, Paris, New York, Milan, London, and Shanghai. Consumers browsed luxury products from all over the world by clicking into the live 'Scan and Buy' fashion show on TMALL's APP and shopped instantly from the fashion show looks, mixing and matching designer brands and purchasing authentic luxury products with ease. Among the many luxury brands featured during the show were Sergio Rossi, Proenza Schouler, Stuart Weitzman, Carven, Zegna Sport, and Galeries Lafayette. Nearly 300 luxury brands (including Armani, Zegna, Michael Kors, Trussardi, Longchamp, etc) were featured in the show from over 3,000 world-class brands available through Mei.com as their authorized online sales channel in China.
