发表于 2020-12-07 20:41
阅读数: 6042

MediaCom China launches a new Sport and Entertainment Division, expanding its award winning global Sport and Entertainment Division to China, driving brand relevance to deliver growth advantage.
据最新消息:竞立中国新设体育与娱乐(Sport and Entertainment)业务部,该部门将屡获殊荣的竞立全球体育与娱乐业务带入中国,通过增强品牌的关联度,实现其业务增长优势。
MediaCom Sport and Entertainment has expanded the reach of the agency’s existing award-winning division to clients in China, to harness the power of media, entertainment, cultural relevance and systems thinking to help clients accelerate business growth.
The timing of the new venture is precise, with Chinese consumers seeking new ways to incorporate athletes and gaming in their lives. Sports viewing and participation numbers have risen across multiple platforms in 2020.
According to MediaCom, China clients are ready to advance by leveraging local and global expertise to identify and develop cultural partnerships across sport, music, film, gaming, talent and other genres of sport and entertainment in the face of this growing interest. Rupert McPetrie, CEO MediaCom China explains, “Our expertise in this area is fully end-to end,” he added, “Once we have identified the right strategy and talent, timing and delivery is tailored for each client’s growth ambitions.”
根据竞立媒体的调查,面对消费者对体育运动变得愈发感兴趣,中国的客户已经准备好利用其本地及全球范围内的专业技能,在体育运动、音乐、电影、游戏、人才和其他体育及娱乐类型中确定并发展文化伙伴关系。竞立中国首席执行官Rupert McPetrie表示:“我们在体育与娱乐领域的专业技能让我们完全能够为客户提供端到端的全面服务,一旦我们确定了正确的战略,找到合适的人才,就可以根据客户的意愿落实定制化的时间与交付安排。”
This approach has already proven to be a winning strategy for MediaCom China, in 2020 they brought Bose and Tencent music together for the first ever live digital concert and followed it up with an ADIDAS collaboration for television. Misha Sher VP Sport & Entertainment, MediaCom, described: “We already have a lot of momentum in China and are excited to go to the next level with our clients who are looking for best-in-class sport & entertainment marketing capabilities, both domestically and around the world.”
竞立中国已证实该策略行之有效。今年,竞立中国联合Bose和腾讯音乐,举办了一场前所未有的线上直播音乐会。随后,竞立中国又与阿迪达斯开展合作,制作电视节目。竞立全球体育与娱乐业务部副总裁Misha Sher认为:“我们在中国创造了许多里程碑,我们很高兴能够与我们的客户携手共进,他们所要找寻的正是具备优秀国内外体育娱乐营销能力的合作伙伴。”
Having already advised, negotiated and executed partnerships in more than 40 countries and agreements worth more than $1B, MediaCom Sport & Entertainment is poised to drive tangible growth domestically and internationally for Chinese clients. According to Howard Thompson, CSO MediaCom China and lead of the new division, “Finding the right partnerships and sponsorship relationships is key to building long term brand relevance for Chinese brands as they expand both overseas and grow nationally.” He added, “we can take the guesswork out of sponsorship,” referencing the division’s proprietary “connected sponsorship” strategy and evaluation tool.
竞立全球的体育与娱乐业务部目前已为来自40多个国家的客户通过建议与协商,建立了合作伙伴关系,签署了价值超过10亿美元的协议,它将为中国客户在海内外带来真正的业务增长。竞立中国首席战略官、体育与娱乐业务部负责人Howard Thompson表示,“随着中国品牌在海内外的不断发展,寻找合适的业务伙伴和赞助方是建立长期的品牌相关性的关键。 基于该部门特有的‘关联赞助’战略和评估工具, 我们可以消除赞助过程中的不确定性。”
MediaCom Sport & Entertainment is an award winning partnerships and brand engagement division of MediaCom and WPP Group. The agency has represented clients including American Airlines, Allianz, VW, Shell, Coca-Cola, Toyota, KFC and Dell in partnerships with some of the most iconic sport & entertainment properties including the IOC, NFL, NBA, UEFA, CSL, FIFA and The Premier League, to name a few.
竞立媒体体育与娱乐业务部是由WPP集团 和竞立媒体共同合作,为品牌创造更多互动且赢得更多奖项的部门,其客户包括美国航空、安联、大众、壳牌、可口可乐、丰田、肯德基和戴尔。这些客户与一些最具标志性的体育娱乐机构展开合作,其中包括国际奥委会、NFL、NBA、欧足联、中超、国际足联和英超等。
But innovation is the name of the game, and identifying new stars and startups will give clients an edge for new fans in new markets. Current MediaCom sport & Entertainment global clients include Guild, David Beckham’s recently floated esports venture, as well as one of the world’s most exciting young footballers, Brazil and Real Madrid sensation, Vinícius Júnior, providing an avenue for Chinese brands expanding abroad to reach new fans and followers.
不过,最重要的是创新。新人明星和初创公司的加入将为客户带来优势,帮助他们在新市场上赢得新粉丝。目前,竞立媒体体育与娱乐业务部的全球客户中还包括大卫·贝克汉姆最近成立的电竞公司Guild,以及世界上最受欢迎的年轻足球运动员之一,在巴西和皇家马德里轰动一时的Vinícius Júnior。这为中国品牌向海外扩张提供了一条途径,让他们有机会接触新的粉丝群。
