发表于 2018-07-04 15:55
阅读数: 14111

该传播围绕多乐士最新推出的产品“森呼吸天然植本漆”展开,透过一支影视宣传短片与若干平面广告,睿狮上海意图将“让你的家回归自然”这一概念带给中国消费者,鼓励他们为自己和家人创造一个安全健康的生活环境。此次营销还将包括数字及社交媒体项目,将在 2018 年下半年陆续推出。
※See below for the English version.
MullenLowe Shanghai has launched a new campaign for AzkoNobel’s Dulux Forest Breath BioCare Paint.
Utilising both TVC and print, the new product launch campaign presents the idea, “Return Your Home to Nature”, to consumers throughout Mainland China, inspiring them to create a safe and healthy living environment for themselves and their families. The campaign will also include digital and social media channels to drive the rest of the campaign development into the second half of 2018.
“The key feature in our latest product, is that we use a certified plant-based formula with renewable natural ingredients such as corn and cassava, to replace parts of petroleum derivatives,” commented Victor Huo, Marketing Director of Decorative Paints, North Asia.
“As air purification and safety are prominent topics of focus in China, we felt that the MullenLowe team had created a wonderful campaign communicating to consumers the benefits we bring, and how Dulux can help in creating healthier environments for them and their families.”
“While we seek to address the concerns of harmful chemical compounds often found in paint, what makes this campaign concept even more powerful, I believe, is that the core message also speaks to the greater desire amongst people to be closer back to nature,” added Richard Tan, CEO of MullenLowe Group China.
“For us, it was important to not only highlight the product’s natural origins and benefits, but also to strengthen the emotional bonds with modern Chinese consumers through relevant topics that matter to them, thereby enhancing the brand appeal for Dulux.”
Account Management: Fanny Yum
Managing Director: Brian Leong
Planning Director: Xiaotian Li
Creative Management: Cheelip Ong
Creative Director: Tin Yick Tan, Lorin Xu
Group Head: Wen Jing, Keith Wang
Senior Copywriter: Don Kang
Creative Service Manager: Lisa Jin
Producer: Elsa Mo
Group Account Director: Limbo Chen
Senior Account Manager: Kevin Leung
Senior Account Executive: Ian Chen
