小室猛士(Tsuyoshi Komuro)先生出任电通东派广告有限公司CEO
发表于 2018-06-14 16:39
阅读数: 4884

2018年4月起,小室猛士(TsuyoshiKomuro)先生正式出任电通东派广告公司新CEO,接替原CEO石川惠太(Keita Ishikawa)先生,全面负责电通东派的经营。
dentsu_TOP isthrilled to announce Tsuyoshi Komuro as new Chief Executive Officer (CEO)effective April 2018. He has assumed full responsibilities of office succeedingKeita Ishikawa.
Keita Ishikawa hasled dentsu_TOP to achieve tremendous success in the past three years. He notonly strengthened the company’s capabilities in providing service to clients inthe field of automobile and maternal care, but also promoted cooperationbetween denstu_TOP and other brands in DenstuAegis Network.
小室猛士(Tsuyoshi Komuro)先生于1997年加入株式会社电通,在电通服务超过20年,曾服务过P&G(宝洁JAPAN株式会社)夏普株式会社,松下电器株式会社等重要客户,全面负责客户的市场营销、广告创意,促销以及日本国内外的广告制作业务。他也拥有亚太、欧洲、南美等跨地区的服务经验,拥有超强的世界观和全球化的创意观感。
Tsuyoshi Komuro joinedDentsu in 1997. In his 20 years experience in Dentsu, he has provided serviceto a range of important clients including P&G, Sharp, Panasonic, also incharge of marketing strategy, advertising creative campaign, promotion andadvertising production in Japan and worldwide. With an abundance ofinternational experience in Asia, Europe and South America, he has strong globally-orientedview and creative sense.
Based in Shanghai,Tsuyoshi Komuro will report to Akimasa Baba, CEO of Dentsu China Group andBeijing Dentsu. Akimasa Baba commented on his appointment: “Tsuyoshi Komuro hasrich experience in multiple areas including: creative, account management,marketing, sales promotion, and production. I am confident that his joiningwill help dentsu_TOP and even Dentsu China Group to develop further. Hisoutstanding leadership, innovativeness and creativity will lead dentsu_TOP toprovide clients with better marketing solutions.”
“It’s a brand newchallenge for me as dentsu_TOP CEO. I am thrilled to work here as China is amarket with boundless unknown opportunities. I will utilize my experience andcapability to cope with China’s rapid development and clients’ demands.” SaidTsuyoshi Komuro.
