泰一指尚CEO付海鹏荣登 Campaign “Digital A-List China 2017”名

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发布时间: 2017-08-03 12:22    更新时间: 2017-08-03 12:24



He is the "domestic pioneer, trailblazer in digital marketing domain" in the eyes of Chinese advertising predecessors, and is highly appraised as “a doer who is both instructor and friend” by customers.

2017年4月11日,由营销行业国际权威媒体Campaign发起的亚太中国地区“Digital A-list”名人堂榜单在上海正式揭晓,泰一指尚CEO付海鹏(Henry Fu)以其对数字营销行业的卓越贡献位列其中。

“Campaign China Digital A-list 2017” has been officially announced in Shanghai on 11th April 2017, and TAIYITECH CEO Henry Fu was included in the list for his remarkable contributions to the digital marketing industry.

Campaign杂志创刊于1974年,以报道亚太地区媒介和营销业、广告业为宗旨。“Digital A-list”名人堂是由Campaign主办,旨在表彰中国数字产业的精英人士及潜力无限的未来领袖人物,入围者均经过严苛甄选。Campaign中国每年一度的“Digital A-list”是中国内地数字营销界重量级榜单。“DOER 实践者”是那些解决复杂的数字营销技术类问题,同时因为某数字垂直领域知识丰富而颇具影响力的人士。他们钻研某一特定专长,致力于发挥自己的才华取得出色的工作成效。对市场营销、创意、广告、传媒、技术、数字商务领域的数字营销高手而言,入选榜单无疑是职业生涯中的荣耀时刻。

Campaign China is now opening nominations for this year's Digital A-List,the categorical 'who's who' of mainland China’s digital marketing scene.Henry Fu could Join the Digital A-List would be a career-defining moment. He is a DOER!This category celebrates individuals who conquer the technicalities and intricacies of digital marketing and are thus influential due to theirdepth of knowledge. They prove their commitment in delving into specific areasof expertise and their talent in getting the job done with excellence. Their focus can run the gamut: from adtech, martech, digital creativity, social media content hardware products, software development, programmatic buying,anti-fraud and brand security, e-commerce, O2O, data mining, processing & analytics, CRM, search marketing, virtual reality, artificial intelligence to the emerging scenes of e-sports and live-streaming.

付海鹏先生拥有近20年的IT、互联网领域从业经历,早期从事技术研发工作,具备良好的互联网技术底蕴,对国内互联网产业发展有深刻见解和丰富的行业管理经验。较早投身数据广告营销领域,将现代网络技术与传统广告业务的理念进行完美结合,并应用于实践。本次入选Campaign“Digital A-List China 2017”名人堂,无疑是业界给予他杰出贡献的重大肯定!

Henry Fu has worked in Internet field for 20 years.Based on the abundant technical experience in several fields, such as bigdata applications, digital media marketing, etc., and combining his keen marketinsight. as lead development of various innovative digital marketing products,and are very popular among customers.The hall of fame for him, was a significant affirmation to his outstanding contribution !


长久以来,中国广告界严重沿袭欧美营销理念,唯罗瑟·里夫斯(Rosser Reeves)、大卫·艾克(David A. Aaker)及亚瑟·尼尔森(Arthur Charles Nielsen)等人马首是瞻。“互联网+”背景下,传统商业模式遭受不同程度的碾压,尤其是传统广告行业。旧有的传播逻辑被颠覆,新的传播话语正在被构建,数字化广告传播也已经开始主导市场。只有今天的破局者,才能成为明天的引路人。处于风口浪尖的广告行业,伴随云技术的发展,迎来了大数据时代。如何因势利导?付海鹏先生最先利用大数据掀起一股颠覆传统广告行业的风暴,创造性提出“所见即所得”这一具有数字营销美学意味的概念,扭转了中国广告界在国际领域中的失语状态。他着眼于国内外数字营销发展趋势,结合大数据技术的空前发展,带领团队通过大数据技术支持,依托跨网多屏的业务模式,把整个广告过程联动起来,构建起“所想即所见,所见即所得”的完美广告体系,致力于交互性广告模式的前瞻性技术的研究,推动大数据创新技术在广告行业的实践与应用,带动数字营销行业的发展。在短短几年,已迅速带领AdTime打造成大数据营销标杆服务企业。

The traditional business model subjected to different degree of grind under "Internet +" background, especially the traditional advertising industry. The old spread logic has been overthrown, and new spread rhetoric is being established. Digital advertising communication has also started to dominate the market. Only the glass-breaker today will become the guider of tomorrow. At the forefront of wave and storm, with the development of the cloud technology, the advertising industry ushered in the era of big data. How will we improve the occasion? By using of big data Mr. Fufirst set off a storm which overturn the traditional advertising industry, and creatively put forward the digital marketing aesthetics concept of "what you see is What you get", reversing the aphasia state of Chinese advertising industryin the international advertising field. He focused on digital marketing development trend both at home and abroad, and combined with the unprecedented development of big data technology. Relying on the cross-web and multi-screen business model, he led the team to link the whole advertising process through big data technology support, built up perfect advertising system of "what you think is what you see, and what you see is what you get ", committed to the forward-looking technology research of interactive advertising model,propelled the big data innovation technology in the practice and application ofadvertising industry, and promoted the development of the digital marketingindustry. In just a few years, AdTime has been rapidly made into the benchmarking enterprise of big data marketing services. 



As a doer in digital marketing industry, with the unique vision and innovative thinking of big data application technology, Henry Fu led AdTime to focus on technology research and creative extension in the field of Internet marketing, promoted more effective and in-depth interaction between advertising and people, made advertisement really walk into people’s mind, and solved the deepest needs of audience.In his view, the big data marketing will help the future advertising target more accurately. The appearance of big data marketing has changed the traditional marketing from brand marketing to performance marketing. With the aid of bigdata, we can understand the user's real demand, and establish emotional connection with the audience. In the future advertising ecosystem, the best application performance of big data marketing is to put the effective information accurately on the front of the audience. It is different from the traditional way of cold infusion, but implants humanistic care. This conforms to the emotional needs of the audience deeply, and transfers the requirements into marketing. Advertising is not to deliberately make the audience demand,but to use tools, including big data, with frank and sincere attitude, to helpthem dig demand, realizing the ascension of life quality together – Henry Fu isvery familiar with the way of marketing services, and stick to the beginner's mind. Based on a deep insight of industry unceasingly, He practices positively,and promotes the prosperity and development of the digital advertising market.


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